Tuesday, March 30, 2010

What I Was Trying To Say....

It has come to my attention that the previous post made very little sense to some readers and even suggested that the Mad Cow may have taken over completely. It was simply an homage (a reference to, an allusion if you will, and I do believe I spelled that correctly for this use) to several children's books by Laura Numeroff which were quite popular at my house. It WAS indeed a stretch to think that "If you give a club a sailboat" would remind anyone of those books, but, in fact, I had my children read the post and they "got it" after the first sentence.

At least my sister-in-law got it - well done, Elizabeth!


auntninn said...

I knew what you were talking about! :) I know well the dangers of giving a pig a pancake.

Ann Made Studio said...

I've never read this book, so didn't make any connection to it :)))) It looks like a beautiful place.

KID, MD said...

LOL!! I caught it, as well. I was thinking of that pig...

Lisa Stone said...

I so totally got it! But then again, I spend 180+ days reading to small children for a living!

Dr. Fun (AKA Sister) said...

I'm glad some of you got it - my brother thought I'd lost my mind. Apparently his wife reads all the books to my niece.

Junior said...

I got it....we have a couple of those books.