Saturday, March 20, 2010

Fitting Help? Split the Blog?

Well the party was a great success. About 50 neighbors showed up and met each other, drank gallons of wine, raved about Dean's gumbo, and promised to do it again soon. A wonderful time was had by all. And today I worked on the 2nd pair of pants. But before I get into that, I wonder if I should do 2 blogs like some other people do - one for sewing stuff and the other for my smart-ass observations on life in general. I don't want to bore the non-sewers, and I don't want to offend the sewers. Please comment if you have an opinion. That means you, Scott [my brother] - I don't want you to have to read about crotch seams.

Now the first pair of pants was almost perfect and didn't need any serious alterations. This pair is a more stretchy polyester-ish fabric and I have some questions. This is just basted and not waistbanded or hemmed, obviously.

Why do I have indentations right where my underwear hit my leg? I know I myself have a valley between the high hip and saddlebag (lovely), so does this necessitate Spanx? I even tried Betzina's tip about interfacing the side seams to smooth out bumps, but it didn't help. I have this on the other pants, but I choose to ignore it. (ba-bye non-sewers, didn't mean to gross you out - hope to see you back soon!)

I also seem to have too much fabric on the back legs - should I take larger seams to fix that, or is that crotch seam issue? It's hard to figure this out without a dressform to put them on.

And the Betzina retreat starts Wednesday - I'm so nervous! I'm making jeans of all things - now do you go in a dressing room to try them on for fitting issues? Does this mean she may see my stretch marks and underwear? (Does this mean I can't sew in my underwear in between fittings like I do at home? You know you do it too!)


KID, MD said...

I'm not sure what to say about the side seams, but that extra fabric in the back is something I've been working on as well. I noticed that of the three pairs of jeans I'v emade that the Jalie's are the only one that doesn't do that. That pattern has a very deep "seat", that is the leg of the crotch curve in the back that goes under your body is quite long. I'm going to play with that on my next pair...

gwensews said...

Try this: Put on your pants and tie a piece of elastic around your waistline snugly. Then, standing in front of a mirror, pull up on your pants and see if the wrinkles on the side disappear. If so, mark the bottom of the elastic with chalk. That will be the seamline of the waistband. That, of course, indicates a crotch-length adjustment. I highly recommend PalmerPletsch/s book called "Pants for Real People". And, goo for you, Sandra will fit your jeans perfectly.

gwensews said...

Hi! You have an award waiting on my blog. Whether you care to pick it up, or not, is perfectly fine. If you choose to, just right-click on the award photo and save it to your computer. Then, add it to your sidebar, if you care to.

The rules of the award are listed on my post.

marysews said...

I don't see the need to start another blog. Heh, heh, you asked!

Victoria said...

Hi, I had a slight issue similar to yours. Fitting pants are tricky since tweaking one area can create problems in others. So you might want to play around with a few tweaks. Feel free to check out my post here...

I did a bunch of research and the books/articles I read helped me work out my specific fit issues. Plus I ended up doing like 3 muslins. I'm no expert but I do understand fitting pants a whole lot better now. And once you nail down a good fit you can use the crotch curve as a template for all future pants you sew:)

Dr. Fun (AKA Sister) said...

@Kid - I want to try the Jalie jeans but I've got to the Betzina jeans first - we'll see how they fit.
@gwen - THANK YOU!!! Look at all the new followers - I'll have to compose my acceptance speech tonight! And I'll buy that book - I tried the elastic waist thing, but my waist is 3 inches above these, so I pulled it down and adjusted - no difference.
@Mary - thanks for the input!
@Victoria - I'm going to check out that post - thanks!