Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Boating, Tubing, and Sewing...or Not

Oh, the sadness of having company for spring break! (No, not the having of the company, but the leaving of the company.). My sister and nephew came down to the beach for a couple of days, and since they left we've been sitting in the corner crying. (Well, that and catching up on laundry.) So I told her I'd make her a shirt while she was here and I brought my sewing machine and a bag of stuff over here and set up shop downstairs. Then we trekked to Pensacola for fabric, but JoAnn there was a huge disappointment. They only had 10 bolts of knit material, most of which were kids' prints. The rest were fall prints. They don't have a Hancock (what?) so we had to go to Hobby Lobby, where they had a whopping 8 bolts of knits. She picked out one there and I commenced to sewing later that afternoon. Well, turns out my machine is actually broken from the jeans zipper teeth encounter, so it proceeded to skip stitches and zigzag intermittently. My heart is broken!

I finished it as a wearable muslin since it fits, but I plan to get her better fabric and a well-sewn shirt after my machine is repaired. So you see that the sadness over my machine combined with my failure to deliver a fabulous shirt and the funk over their departure has put me in a depressed state of mind. Maybe cloroxing some toilet bowls will perk me up!


KID, MD said...

Oh no!! Broken sewing machine... Sad day.

gwensews said...

Yes, that is indeed, bad news.

Junior said...

I may just wear it tonight to see 'Mama Mia'...just pair with some dressy khaki pants and earrings!!

Dr. Fun (AKA Sister) said...

Yes, Junior, and I need to know any comments on the shirt, be they "what a stunning shirt!" or "I didn't know you shopped at the Goodwill!"

Junior said...

I'll wear a hidden microphone.....