Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Lord IS My Seamstress!!!

Well I know you're sick of hearing about the dress, but I had to sew the zipper seam up completely because I had left a tiny spot open wondering how to get rid of the pucker. So I decided last night to use the iron and finish the dang thing, but I needed to remove some basting I put in first. So I rip some stitches out then unzip it to get to the inside seam, guessed it, the zipper pull came right off! Yes, I cut off the bottom of that zipper but I had some stitching that was stopping the zipper pull, only I didn't realize it was the stitching I ripped out.

It was a humbling moment. My first thought was, "Not again!" My next thought was that God did not want me to wear that dress. But something said maybe this is how to solve the dang pucker problem without ripping out a whole seam. I tried for a few minutes to get the pull back on the teeth with no success. Then I was nearing desperation and I figured I'd throw it under the machine and finish the seam up while the zipper was undone.

I did this, and what do you know - that pucker is so much better now! Then I tried about 5 minutes and got that zipper pull threaded right back on the teeth, and hand-stitched the rest of the seam closed. SUCCESS! That dress is now ready for wearing. So the lesson is if God gives you lemons, then maybe you should get some sugar and a pitcher and get busy!


KID, MD said...

Yay for the dress, and yay for fixing annoying imperfections! Go you!

KID, MD said...

I nominated you for a blog award. Come by and see -

Junior said...

Way to go!!!