Sunday, November 2, 2008


Well, here are the initial pictures from Halloween at the office. There should be more later when somebody emails me some pictures, since I forgot my camera. These were made after the patients left. Don't we have fun decorating the rooms!!!!! This year was "Disney movies" in case you didn't get the underlying theme. Don't forget to click on the picture to get the full effect of black nail polish, which I rather enjoyed wearing! I'm thinking about a lip piercing next.....


Unknown said...

Just how many patients did you scare that day, Jack Sparrow??? Couldn't the doc think of something friendlier? My boys would have loved it.

KID, MD said...

This would be one of the reasons I love being a pediatrician... I dressed up as an angel one year and freaked out a nurse in the ICU. Heh.

Dr. Fun (AKA Sister) said...

Oh my! An angel in the ICU WOULD be a freaky thing!