Thursday, July 29, 2010

We Made a Hat!

Oh, my baby loves his sewing machine! We got it set up on a little desk next to mine and he wanted to put his thread in his own container, etc. Then he brainstormed about "what you could sew besides clothes." His first thought was a placemat. Huh. Then we came up with a hat, because I have a pattern for that (Simplicity 5581). He wanted to make it out of fur (yuck), then black vinyl that Drew wanted to make gloves from. I talked him into leftover fabric from the shorts. (Then he asked what we could make from the black vinyl - "maybe a shirt? Underwear?" Oh dear.)

So he operated the foot pedal unless there were pins to remove, and he did all the machine work except guiding the fabric. He did the decorative stitching on the brim all by himself.

Then he wore it the rest of the night and slept in it. Now he wants to make more to sell in the front yard. You saw that coming, didn't you?

And here are some odds and ends. I stopped at Daphne Fabric and Lace and thought about some pants or a jacket out of this very soft material, but is it ugly?

Okay, never mind, I decided it is ugly for pants after I looked at it again. (1978 called and said my mother wanted her pants back.) It's $7 a yard - maybe if it was $2 like everything else there I'd try something. If you have any great ideas let me know.

And finally, I tried Amy's tip about loosening up tight sleeves on my Jalie top, but it didn't turn out. If they weren't so tight and I didn't need to slash them so far up it might work, but I decided to just chop them off and make it sleeveless. We'll see how that goes.


Pam said...

That hat is adorable. Agree about the plaid - but anthropologie has some nice cordoroy with a plaid in them and I think they are adorable - I can't wait to make fall clothes!

gwensews said...

He looks happy! There's a lot of crafty-type things he may like to make, if you check out the pattern catalogs.

KID, MD said...

Go Lucas!! He did a great job on that hat!!

But a big fat no on plaid pants. Maybe the lining of a raincoat?

Junior said...

Lucas did a great job!! I'm really impressed and when you said he wanted to make it out of fur that made me think of Huggy Bear from Starsky & Hutch for some reason. Tell him if he makes hats to sale then I'll buy a couple of them! :)

sewistafashionista said...

You got him the machine! I think he will have a lot of fun. He looks so happy. Kwik Sew may have some stuff he would enjoy making. They seem to have more stuff for boys. What a good time you will have seeing what he comes up with.

Dr. Fun (AKA Sister) said...

Thanks for the suggestions on stuff for him to sew, and also the raincoat lining suggestion! Junior, he was all over selling you a hat!