Monday, January 18, 2010

Gerbil on the Loose

Damn gerbils! I was going to write about how much I hate going to the Exploreum, which we did today since the kids were out of school. But when we got home and started up chores, I noticed the dog was acting funny. Lucas was vacuuming the hallway and Drew was getting ready to take Jake for a walk, but Jake was nosing around the stove like he was tracking something...GERBIL!

We ran to Lucas's room and the cage was all locked up tight, but there was only one gerbil in it. (We shall rename the escapee Houdini.) We then see pellets traveling to the bathroom - I just cleaned the cages and vacuumed Lucas's room last night at 9:30, so he escaped sometime after that.

We then run back to the stove with an empty cage and food, and the little devil sticks his nose out, but of course Lucas reaches a hand out and he disappears. There then follows the most horrendous noise of gerbil running around in the stove. What the heck can he be doing in there? Sounds like an amusement park.

So after conferring with the chef, I did turn on the stove. Lucas almost cried and held his hands over his mouth waiting for squeaks of pain, but then the bugger poked his head out. Lucas exhaled and said "Thank goodness he's okay!" I nearly jumped out of my skin because he was right next to me and covered in dust, but then he ran back under, and now he's climbed back up in there for a toasty nap. (Gerbils originated in the desert, so 350 Fahrenheit may not be so bad.)

If our next dinner has a hint of smoked gerbil, I won't be surprised. Hell, our next dinner might BE smoked gerbil!


Lisa Stone said...

We have had this happen too--except our gerbil got out and climbed into our big screen tv. He ate through the wires and we had to replace it (which my husband, of course loved!) The cat got ahold of him a few nights later. good luck!

Dr. Fun (AKA Sister) said...

Holy moly! Now did the cat kill the gerbil? That sounds horrible, especially with the TV! We got lucky and he eventually came out, whereupon Dean netted him with the fish net. Houdini & his brother had a wonderful reunion, and the stove hasn't blown up yet, so I think we're all good. Prayers were answered, let me tell you....

Junior said...

Did he leave anything in the stove......

Dr. Fun (AKA Sister) said...

We'll find out after dinner tonight - Deanie's cookin'!