Here's that psychedelic fabric I'm thinking about....It's $15/yard right now, so I think I'll do a muslin (that's like a dry run for you non-sewers; a dress rehearsal so to speak - OH! What a fabulous pun!!) in something I can wear sort of casual. This'll be the time to get the 60's fabric, Liba. Now I'm thinking I also want a mod headband to hold the hair back and some big round blue sunglasses like Barbie wore - what a look.
Here was my day - this is Arby's dinner day:
8-2 Clinic (that means "see patients")
2:30-3 Pick up kids, Lucas does homework in carpool line - God bless him.
3:20-4:10 Home to change to athletic-wear, hem 2 pairs of pants for Drew (alas, no time for real sewing), he starts homework/chores, Lucas has "30 minutes," which is his screen time, & changes for karate
4:30-5:25 Karate at YMCA - I worked out 45 minutes (can you feel my muscles bulging?). Drew stayed home to do homework and change for Scouts - God bless him.
5:30 - Zip through Arby's drive-thru for dinner while Lucas changes into Scout uniform (loves to do that in the car). The man handing me my food says, "I know you - you're Dr. Fun (not my real name)!" Wow, it's only the 2nd time in 10 years I've been recognized in public by a patient's parent. Of course, I just saw him this morning, so it wasn't a stretch.
5:41 - Run in house, change to jeans/shirt while boys unpack food, wolf down roast beef sandwiches. "No talking - just eat."
5:51 - Head to Cub Scouts den meeting and arrive on time.
6:55 - Drive Drew over to Boy Scouts then go back for Lucas's pack meeting.
8:15 - Home with Lucas who gets ready for bed.
8:25 - Commence to cleaning up gerbil shit.
8:40 - Drew home & getting ready for bed.
9:30 - Wine & cheese with Deaney and come to Mama, Stephen King. (Dean even thought to record American Idol for us - God bless him.)
Good grief, I'm out of breath just reading that! Your Mondays are even busier than ours! But what's up with the Barbie doll picture?
That was a representation of Barbie 60's fabric, but it was confusing apparently, so I deleted it. Every idea's not a good one...
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