Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Fabric & A Day In The Life...

Here's that psychedelic fabric I'm thinking about....It's $15/yard right now, so I think I'll do a muslin (that's like a dry run for you non-sewers; a dress rehearsal so to speak - OH! What a fabulous pun!!) in something I can wear sort of casual. This'll be the time to get the 60's fabric, Liba. Now I'm thinking I also want a mod headband to hold the hair back and some big round blue sunglasses like Barbie wore - what a look.

Here was my day - this is Arby's dinner day:
8-2 Clinic (that means "see patients")
2:30-3 Pick up kids, Lucas does homework in carpool line - God bless him.
3:20-4:10 Home to change to athletic-wear, hem 2 pairs of pants for Drew (alas, no time for real sewing), he starts homework/chores, Lucas has "30 minutes," which is his screen time, & changes for karate
4:30-5:25 Karate at YMCA - I worked out 45 minutes (can you feel my muscles bulging?). Drew stayed home to do homework and change for Scouts - God bless him.
5:30 - Zip through Arby's drive-thru for dinner while Lucas changes into Scout uniform (loves to do that in the car). The man handing me my food says, "I know you - you're Dr. Fun (not my real name)!" Wow, it's only the 2nd time in 10 years I've been recognized in public by a patient's parent. Of course, I just saw him this morning, so it wasn't a stretch.
5:41 - Run in house, change to jeans/shirt while boys unpack food, wolf down roast beef sandwiches. "No talking - just eat."
5:51 - Head to Cub Scouts den meeting and arrive on time.
6:55 - Drive Drew over to Boy Scouts then go back for Lucas's pack meeting.
8:15 - Home with Lucas who gets ready for bed.
8:25 - Commence to cleaning up gerbil shit.
8:40 - Drew home & getting ready for bed.
9:30 - Wine & cheese with Deaney and come to Mama, Stephen King. (Dean even thought to record American Idol for us - God bless him.)


Junior said...

Good grief, I'm out of breath just reading that! Your Mondays are even busier than ours! But what's up with the Barbie doll picture?

Dr. Fun (AKA Sister) said...

That was a representation of Barbie 60's fabric, but it was confusing apparently, so I deleted it. Every idea's not a good one...