And here's a Bento box just for fun. You can buy these anywhere, but they sell them on the bullet trains too. It's just like flying on a plane - an attendant wheels a cart down the aisle and you can buy a drink, lunch, or even little toys. The packaging is awesome, and inside...
BAM! Lunch!
So I read a lot about "man-pris" which are apparently all the rage in Japan. Men usually wear really long shorts, or these capri pants, or they just roll up their regular pants. Huh...
Apparently these are young, fashionable men who don't want to wear boring old work pants or jeans, which are rare to see.
It got kind of hard to take pictures of people, especially if they were facing me, so I usually snapped them as they walked away.
And I only took one woman's picture, because they would always be walking towards me and I thought that would be tacky. (But seriously, you should've seen the chick with 4" gold stiletto heels walking up the mountain to see the monkeys!) This is an employee of the Information booth at a mall - so spiffy, and why don't we wear hats here anymore?
Though they thought nothing of taking our picture. I spied 2 people taking our family's picture at a train station, and on the streetcar to the monkey park, a woman seriously held her camera up over the back of a seat and appeared to be making a video of me reading my book. Either that or she took a bunch of pictures, because she held it there for several minutes, even after I looked at her! Ah, the trials of Caucasion-ness in an Asian nation...
I love the bento box - and I found the fashions totally "whack" and fantastic over there! I love young Japanese sartorialists.
Great post - I didn't know about the manpri's too funny!! I can see people taking your picture outside Tokyo - you are very fair.
Whack totally describes it!
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