Notice my painstaking work with wax paper. I even altered the pocket because he said stuff falls out of it.
I just wanted you to see your two pocket options - the boy's pocket is tiny and the man's pocket is huge. What to do? Well, just draw off your own pocket I guess.
So it took me FOREVER to alter the pieces, and then there's the hated waist-facing to deal with again. I got so fed up with this piece and working around the zipper that I just folded the thing in half and sewed it like a waistband (a bad waistband). This looks awful - good thing he doesn't tuck shirts in.
Oh, yeah, I had already put the carriers on - too bad. And they're the little bitty boy carriers.
And he didn't want a button, so I did the dreaded hook and eye - look at that horrible hand-stitching. Anybody got a professional tip for that?
Oh, and the pocket that got put on a little crooked (look at the hem)? Too bad, so sad. I was so fed up with these things I just didn't care. Drew hasn't noticed it yet...he may have been distracted by the fact that he can barely get his hands in his front pockets because they're too small. However, I did save them by making another secret pocket that is actually functional, so he likey.
So after all that wax paper and measuring and writing notes, I've decided to try the adult small and shorten the leg and crotch by 2 inches each. I also have to make the pockets smaller to fit. We may end up at Academy to buy some stinking shorts before this week is out, but I'm a glutton for punishment so I'm persevering. Also, God is my seamstress - remember Psalm 23 for Sewists - and he wants to try out a new waistband treatment with me, I feel sure of it!