Thursday, June 17, 2010

A Very Bad Day

"I got your baby's autopsy report." I've said that phrase twice in two days.

"Your baby's going to have to go to Birmingham and have heart surgery immediately." I've said that twice TODAY. (One of those babies already went through his first heart surgery 2 months ago.)

Sometimes this job sucks.


marysews said...

Cry it out, and in a few days will you tell us some of the coolest things about your job?

KID, MD said...

That is a tough week! And day. It's hard to remember the happy times when you have days like that. I hope you have a few quiet days coming your way!

Pam said...

THAT is an emotionally tough week! I hope you can sew your worries behind on your next few days off. . .

auntninn said...

Oh, so sorry. :( Take care of you.

sewistafashionista said...

What a hard few days! It must take a huge emotional toll.

Ann Made Studio said...

Oh my...that is a tough one :(
....but sometimes your job is a life saver :)))

I can't say that I have had a day compared to this, but when my husband and I have bad days we say we need a "session" to talk things always helps..I'm sure you have a strong support system to have much needed "sessions" too.

Sheila said...

Sorry that you had a bad day. Taking a few minutes of deep breathing during those rough days help a little... just a little, but you feel calmer.