And here's a picture where you can see his foot pedal - how quaint! Wish I knew what kind of machine it was. Hey Pam, is this a position a student could volunteer for?

And now, look what came in the mail right before Thanksgiving. Two big packages...
The box has my fabric, nicely tied with recycled cotton...
and the tube has my stencil!
I spent a few minutes in Hancock on Saturday studying embroidery thread colors (there're only about 200!), and I decided on understated, elegant gray instead of Mardi Gras, wacky purple. I figure this dress will be wacky enough since it'll be the only one there made of cotton.
I just bought a few of these things to try a little sample and see how it looks. But first, I've got to look into that swayback adjustment and get my pieces cut out...
Love the GIF!! Hilarious!!
Can't wait to see what you do with the fabric.
The funniest thing is that there's not a woman in sight at that sewing table - who is this mysterious seamstress...or should we call him a seamster?!
Leave it to a man to have a giant sewing machine.
So excited for your A.C. package! I can't wait to see the end result!
HAHAHA! Thanks for the shout out. Too funny. . .only in the SEC. Yes, it seems to be one of the team managers -- I think Auburn has quite a few student and other managers:) I tutored football/basketball players when I went to Auburn . . . I also dated one of the "managers" who was from my hometown. That sewing machine cracks me up.
So I'm guessing if you're a manager on the team, part of your training is threading that machine and adjusting the tension....cool.
I read somewhere that it is an H-Viking. Viking I"m familiar with, dunno what the H is.
Loving the AC stuff, can't wait to see it!
The H is for Husqvarna Viking. There used to be a store in Mobile that was a Viking dealer. They closed down a few years ago.
Oh, that was the vintage, little-kid sewing store, wasn't it? They had a ton of machines in there...
Yes, Nostalgic Needleworks. I made my kids a few Heirloom-ish outfits when they were babies and dresses for Jessica while she was little. I also took a serger class there, though I didn't buy my serger there. It closed a couple of years ago. My friend has the space now for her dance studio.
I remember Nostalgic Needleworks. I liked that store.
Lynn, you need to post that clip on Pattern Review.
Ha! Wonder how to do that?
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