Well, the meh-ness continues. I held the panel up for Drew's opinion, and he said, "Well, you've got to clean all those strings up." Dean thought it would be cool on a denim jacket, but not a Mardi Gras dress. My nurses thought I should go back and bead everything I've embroidered, and one said, "Of course, you'll trim all those threads anyway." Alabama Fur is so misunderstood! But maybe it's because my fur is sparse. Look at this beautiful
wrap that isn't even finished yet - the fur is the main design element. My other nurse said there was too much going on with the dress, so I should stick with just beading - sounds very Project Runway!
Anyway, here's more beading before trimming away the inside, and I haven't removed the straight embroidery yet (
which will be quick and painless with all these huge knots - it's not like ripping out machine stitching).

and here it is with the stencil trimmed away. The beads are really sparkly when I hold it up, so it's got THAT going for it.

So maybe the next picture I'll have is with some "strings" gone and more beads...like Becky said the first time!
I tend to agree (less strings) but with Mardi Gras -- I can see the spirit of the event with the strings. Mardi Gras is a kinda a spirited (not tidy) kind of event. I think it will turn out nicely either way -- BUT if you want to wear it again after Mardi Gras -- you may prefer it stringless.
Good point! I'd love to be able to wear it somewhere else, but I'll have to choose carefully....
Here is what I have learned, if you love it, that's all that matters! You are hand embellishing, stitching, and beading over 5 feet of a four panel dress. If you don't love every stitch of it what's the point? If you are set on fur, stick with fur. Stitch the dress you love. You will wear it with confidence and win over the skeptics. :)
I just posted a top with the knots up and strings dangling if you want another view.
Well said, Bianca. I guess I wasn't totally loving the sketchiness of the fur mixed with the beads, so I'm going with just beads now. Your top is gorgeous with the knots, and I especially love the white paint and thread - it just pops. Sometime I would love to make something like that wrap with tons of knots...gotta finish the dress first, though.
Can't wait to see the dress "IRL" Bianca, I love your top!
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