And here are just some funny pictures from Anchorman 2, which I took the boys to see after an hour of Pure Barre (go me!). It was what you'd expect if you saw the first one - very silly, juvenile humor, with some hilarious moments and lots of awesome 70's music. I don't remember seeing this scene in the movie at all, but it made me laugh.

And here they all got perms, which my dad and and brother also did at one point. Funny story: my brother Scott went to my hair salon one time, and thought the hairdresser was cute, so when she said he'd look good with a permed mullet (it was 1990, people, don't judge), he went for it...then asked her out...then found out she didn't date he went next door to the grocery store and bought hair relaxer for Tracey and me to remove his perm - HA!

And this one was also funny - he was advertising underwear...I guess you get that, huh.

So now I'm REALLY signing off for Christmas, and I'll see you people later!
Merry Christmas and have a fun day.
Merry Christmas!!!
Merry Christmas, Ya'll!!!
Merry Christmas!
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