Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Awkward Family Photos

My SIL Elizabeth, of Eternity Scarf fame, sent me this link to Awkward Family Photos - Mother's Day edition. Some are totally gross, others are hilarious. I would like to add one of Dean's favorite photos of the family, which he carries in his wallet, I believe. I had a coupon for a free sitting at Walmart, and we didn't have a family picture with Lucas yet, because he was only a few months old, so I figured I'd use it to get a nice portrait for Dean to have. He was working, so he couldn't be in it.

I very carefully picked out our clothes, and was delighted that Drew and I both had yellow shirts! I picked Lucas's fanciest outfit, but I am not a fru-fru type of woman, so there were no precious John-John's or whatever those fancy smocked outfits are called. What we ended up with was an awful hair style on my pale makeup-less face, a too-large fake smile on Drew, who looks as if they threatened him with some sort of punishment, and a baby monkey from the zoo.
Is it just me who thinks Lucas looks like a monkey? Something about that collar sitting under those ears just screams Planet of the Apes to me.


Liba said...

Now sister - babies do not look like monkeys! Well some do but not yours. I had a rule when I worked in the nursery. When asked if their little bundle of joy (who DID look like monkey, toad, etc) was cute I always answered "He/She is precious". Because all babies are precious even when they ugly! :)

Rachelle said...

Ohhh cuteness, cluck cluck. You look so happy and contented, I can see why your hubby loves this photo.

Dr. Fun (AKA Sister) said...

That's right, Liba, precious is a good word - bless their hearts! (But he does look like a monkey.)

And Rachelle - he loves it because it makes both of us laugh out loud at how awful and cheesy it is!

Pam said...

This photo IS adorable. . . .and the imperfection makes it I think. You're right - Drew is smiling the fake smile!

What an adorable little baby!!