Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Girls' Weekend

So in addition to going to the Mecca of Medical Care last week (I wore the black pants - thanks for your help), I also stopped to see old friends in Alabaster and spent the weekend in Gatlinburg with my housemates from the college days. I was tucking Lucas in on my last night before leaving and spotted it a dead gerbil? What bad timing! But they're supposed to live around 2 years, and mid-October will be Renewal time. ("Carousel is a lie!" - name the movie!)
No, he's just a heavy sleeper and really fat - whew! Disaster averted!
So we 6 ladies rented a cabin north of Gatlinburg and commenced to hot-tubbing, wine-drinking, and mountain-hiking.
We didn't do all that at the same time.
It's an interesting group - 2 Methodist ministers, 2 professional types (a doctor and a lawyer), and 2 educators, to paint it in broad strokes.
Or to be more shallow, 2 blondes, 2 brunettes, and 2 red-heads!


Liba said...

Logan's Run!

Looks like ya'll had a blast. We are having our 'planning' meeting for our tri tomorrow! Can't wait.

Junior said...

Nice looking group of ladies!

Dr. Fun (AKA Sister) said...

Now I swear somebody said Logans Run for the movie, but I don't see that now.....

Dr. Fun (AKA Sister) said...

Duh! Liba got it - didn't scroll up! Yay Liba!

Ann Made Studio said...

This sounds like it was a great week end....great pictures.

My word verification is - schomszi...struct me as a word you would like :)))