Monday, September 19, 2011

So I've been getting a creepy feeling lately from Jakey.  Does your dog follow you around and need to be in physical contact with you at almost all times?  I've been wondering if I'm going to drop dead soon, because he CANNOT be away from me.  This is just from 8 PM until bedtime last night.

Lucas and I play Uno at the kitchen table.  He lies down behind my chair.

I put clothes in the dryer. This is the only time he'll eat - if I'm doing laundry or someone is standing nearby for a significant period of time. 

I check email at the kitchen table. What is UP with this sad face?

I tuck Lucas in. (Hey Jake, give Lucas a kiss....or just stand and stare at my leg.)

I clean off the kitchen counter.

I sit on the couch to watch TV.

Yes, I'm taking your picture baby, because you need help. Or I do - not sure which.

Tomorrow I'll try and catch the times he walks in the closet with me - it gets pretty crowded but he insists on being there!


Amy Bailes said...

Mr. P, my 5 yo cock-a-poo, thinks that he should be beside me at all times. Debra must be getting sick - she's been a little too much clingy. This morning while I was holding her and rubbing her back, Mr. P jumps on the chair and sticks his head underneath my hand for me to rub his head.

So, I would say it's normal for a dog that loves his "mommy".

Amy Bailes said...

BTW, I don't want you to think that I'm unsympathetic to Debra getting sick and wanting to be held. Got to watch what I say around the Dr! ;-)

Junior said...

He either loves you soooo much or it's that bag of dog treats you keep carrying around in your pocket.....

Anonymous said...

Maybe he just likes your new pants :-)

Dr. Fun (AKA Sister) said...

Amy, I don't judge! You should see my poor kids - "Mom, it hurts when I do this." "Well then don't do that." But I know what you mean about dogs stealing rubs - Jake just noses right up under my hand sometimes and I think it's so rude!

Junior, I was wondering what that smell was!

Anonymous - he loves my new pants and is pushing me to actually WEAR them!

Ann Made Studio said...

I have one just like your Jakey...he just loves you ;)

(mine is a 17 pound poodle :)