Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Pants and a Band

So I wore my homemade (excuse me, handmade) pants out to eat the other night, and the manager, who's known us since he was a waiter, came over to chat while we were waiting for a table. Out of the blue he says, "I like your pants." I say, "You like my pants?" (Because really, who says that?) Then of course I have to tell him that I made them.

Now, my mother was sitting next to me and didn't hear him say that he liked them to start with, so what she heard of the conversation was,
"You like my pants?"
"Yes, I like your pants."
"I MADE my pants!"
She thought I was terribly rude through the whole dinner. I was thinking, "DAMN, somebody commented on my PANTS!"

So I wore them to work the next day and gave a lecture wearing them that afternoon. Of course, nobody commented on them at that point.

In new business, this is what we did this weekend....

Yes, that is the University of Florida band (now Alabama has the Million Dollar Band, but I don't know what UF calls their band, sorry) warming up before the big game against Alabama.

You may notice there are no happy smiling pictures of us in the stadium. There were no happy smiles after that first touchdown, so we'll leave it at that.


RobbieK said...

Congrats on the pants!!! I refer to mind as "custom made". Oh, btw, Roll Tide ;)

Dr. Fun (AKA Sister) said...

Oh no you di'nt! Go Gators!