Honestly, I really wanted a bias tape maker, but who knew that dang thing cost over $100?! That's the Simplicity model that irons it for you, but it only makes a single fold, and I want a double fold one so I can do more of this:
That's the Colette Sorbetto neckline, and I cut this bias binding myself. Please ignore the little wrinkles, as I didn't press it yet. I would've done the armholes too, but I lost my energy, thus the need for a cute gadget to facilitate my bindings. I seriously want to do all my necklines like this now! I saved the rest of my gift card for a possible online purchase, but they don't seem to sell the Clover bias tape maker online either. Any of you ladies have suggestions on that front? Do you make them yourself? Is it worth $100 for one? Okay, moving on, Lucas made this for me.
He was worried it didn't have "enough pizzazz," so he threw a classic coupon in as well.
Wait, I just read that again. Does that mean he's going to do a pencil drawing of my feet? That crazy kid...
You are stylin'!!!
Now tell me what you know about bias tape makers, and are we still on for lunch Monday?
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