Monday, October 5, 2009

Divorce and Shacking

Lucas must've watched some show or heard somebody talking about divorced parents, because out of the blue one day he asked me who I picked to live with when my parents got divorced. He asked me if the judge asks the kid to make the decision. Then he wanted to know how often we stayed with Pappy, etc. Then he made an astounding connection and remembered that Mimi took care of Pappy before he died, so he asked me if they "had to remarry and do the dancing stuff." Huh? "You know, the dancing stuff you do after your marriage." Oh, maybe we can skip over how Mimi and Pappy came to live in the same house again without doing the dancing stuff.

That reminds me of my grandmother coming to see our first house when Dean and I were engaged (rented the house in June but the wedding was in November - sorry). I toured her around the house and pointed out, "Here's my bedroom suite and my sewing room, and over here is Dean's bedroom suite." I thought that was so clever - I pointed out where my bedroom furniture was, but not if I was sleeping in it or not.

And that reminds me of my other clever dodge when Drew was in the 2nd grade and asked, "What's sex?" I said, "whether you're a boy or a girl." He said, "oh," and that was the end of that. Clevah guhl! (Name the movie, BB)


BB said...

Great post! You need to keep posting how you "dodge" some of these hard questions. I am taking notes! is Jurassic Park!


Dr. Fun (AKA Sister) said...

You are rockin' in the free world with the movie quotes! And yes, as I acquire wisdom I will drop nuggets to guide others. If you step in one please wipe your shoe.