Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The Christmas Card...and a Look Back

Some of you may be getting one in the mail, but here's a preview. The caption is "Drew got his learner's permit, so watch out for the Mobile Hillbillies!" Get it? Drew is Jethro. Well, I forget how Dean made that connection when we were brainstorming for ideas, but there was obviously beer involved. (There're a couple of smaller better pictures too, so maybe Mimi will put this one on the refrigerator this year - DOH!)

The photoshoppage provided by Drew was a little rougher than last year - maybe we should've worked a little harder on head sizes. Here's a reminder of last year's card wishing you a tarball-free Christmas.

Oh heck, let's see all of them, so when the hard drive crashes I can still come here to see some pictures.

Oh jeez, maybe I should get a Kleenex. They grow up fast - even the dog!


Junior said...

Dang, look at the babyface on Lucas & Drew in that older one! And, he never ages! Looking forward to hanging the Hillbillies card when it arrives.

Sheila said...

Now that's a holiday card... totally love it.