Sunday, August 30, 2009

Another Lucas-ism

We went out last night for dinner and ordered a bottle of wine. The waitress opened it and poured Dean a sip then waited for his approval before pouring my glass (I'm sure that's just a formality - anybody really ever send back wine?). Lucas was with us (he selected the 2009 Dr. Pepper.)

Tonight at dinner (at home, thank you) Lucas asks me, "Mom, is there a food that Dad likes but you don't?" I had to think awhile but finally came up with olives. He says, "Then what if somebody gave you both olives, but you don't like them. So why does the waiter wait to see if Dad likes the wine, but you don't get to taste it? What if YOU didn't like it? It's not fair."

Go boy - stand up against sexism! Finding inequalities where I've never seen them before! Who would've thought of that at 7 years old? (Of course, when you're raised with parents who only drink beer and liquor at dinner it doesn't really come up, trust me. My phone will ring with my mother on it in 5, 4, 3, 2, wait for it...)

1 comment:

Junior said...

That Lucas and his "deep thoughts".....he could write a book! Or fill in for Andy Rooney....