And then we flew to Vail for some skiing with the boys and Drew's girlfriend, Camille. My ski boots did not fare so well...being apparently dragged behind the plane on takeoff and landing.

And my longjohns were in the same bag, sadly.

While in Vail, I succumbed to a hawker selling youth, and can you tell which eye she spent 30 minutes rubbing serum into? Camille guessed the wrong eye. I did not buy the serum (but found it later on Amazon and bought one for me and one for my MIL - teehee!).

Here we are in the gondola....

And the boys on the street....
And all of us after a snowmobile ride - lots of fun!

Now back home for actual Christmas. This was a crazy moon at the beach... not a Harvest moon, maybe a Blue Moon? That's not it....I don't remember.

So everybody came to the beach, thus the Foosball games began. Joe remains the reigning champion.

I hate waking up early but sometimes it has its rewards.

This made me think God just woke up behind that condo.

That water was like a mirror - so cool.

Later Tracey stitched while Jake guarded.

And the weather was nice so we decided something different than the usual Christmas activities was called for.

So we went to OWA!!!! Of course the boys had to try out the kiddie rides just to be funny.

And if you're doing Owa for Christmas, why not the Florabama!!! Bushwackers for Christmas!

They encourage graffiti, so when I saw these cigarettes sitting on the table, I had to leave something for my Dad (who died of lung cancer back in 2000 at the age of 58, so of course that made me cry a little).

And I think my neice sat on my brother's shoulders to write all our names on the banner.

So aside from that bit of sadness, 2018 ended up being a great Christmas all around - look at these happy cousins.

Postscript: I don't remember if this was Tracey hydrating me after Owa or after the Bushwackers...
And I finished the green socks that were started in Belize!