Three of us decided to work on drafting a bodice sloper, so one of the engineers (I just like saying that) showed me how to connect the HDMI cable from the pediatrician's laptop to my TV, and using her Wifi hotspot, we streamed the Craftsy bodice sloper class (doesn't that sound like a funny joke: 3 doctors and 2 engineers walk into a sewing class - ba-dum-bum!). Let me just say that we 3 were wearing camisoles and leggings because of the very precise measurements to be taken, and adhesive dots were also employed to mark strategic spots such as base of the neck, shoulder points, belly button, high hip, low hip, etc. This picture was actually taken before any imbibery began, but my head was spinning with calculations involving fractions, thus the stupid look on my face.
After the imbibery began, the calculations went all to hell, but you can see how intense the work was - nary a sewing machine was heard at our table.
BUT, Robbie was productive with her hand-smocking of dresses for little girls, and Yaffa was the grand-prize winner, finishing an ENTIRE PURSE, complete with ribbon, piping, and magnetic snap closure!
So it was very educational, and we balanced the caloric intake of the yummy pina coladas with the fiber of Katrina's chicken Caesar salad and Yaffa's Kale Mary salad. (Yaffa doesn't have a blog yet, but maybe she'll comment with the recipe - it was delicious and involved exotic things like quinoa!)
So, that's it on the sewing front - still haven't unpacked anything sewing-wise. On the family front, here's a little sample of Drew's bass-playing. He's doing the end of the year talent show at school, and guess what song he's doing? DURAN DURAN's Box Full of Honey. (Exposed him to my favorite band a couple of years ago against everyone's better judgment: You're welcome!) Of course, there'll be another kid on guitar, a vocalist, and a drummer, but they haven't practiced together yet. This video reminds me of the year the poor guy did a 7th grade talent show by playing his French horn along with a record. He got behind and had to start over again a couple of times - very embarrassing. Hopefully Drew will be more successful with the live version...or it could be worse...I'll shut up now.