You'll tell them not to run over the nice man with his son in the tiny sailboat with the blue sail, because the man's wife is a famous sewer who has connections to Sandra Betzina.
They will ask what there is to do there, and you'll suggest they have wine and cheese and spend the night. This will remind them that there's a basketball game on, so you'll have to get them a TV to watch the Kentucky upset (but how nice for West Virginia to win after 51 years).
When they wake up, they'll ask you what the dinghies are for, and you'll tell them to putter over to a little island for brunch. (Most likely it's brunch. But it could be that they're an odd boating cult sacrificing a goat to hold off the rain. Then we'd have to call this "If You Give a Cult a Goat." Or maybe someone is a famous sewer and is doing a little demo on plackets..."Do you see?")
They'll ask you what they should do next, and you'll remind them that you gave them sailboats, so they should do just that.
And I didn't make it to the church on the beach that I was going to visit because I got up too late, but God smiled at me anyway. That's what I think when the sun shines through a tiny hole in the clouds like that, or when a tiny bird poses for a picture next to me.
Now why did I spend an hour making this sound like a children's book - I've got jeans to finish!
Sucha beautiful morning! It was rainy and yucky here _ I could have used this view to wake up to. You seem to be channeling the "if you give a moose a muffin" lady! :)
That beautiful scene calls for an adult drink that has an umbrella in it! While, of course, sewing jeans!
Yes, credit and apologies to Laura Numeroff; and Gwen, rest assured there was a frozen drink in my hand even if there wasn't a sewing machine on my table!
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