A HUGE thank-you to Katie for giving me this award - she has a fabulous blog that inspires me and intimidates me at the same time. The women I've met through patternreview.com are prolific sewists who routinely whip things up overnight.
I believe with this award I list 7 little known facts about myself and nominate 7 more blogs for an award, so here goes:
1) I worked as a morgue attendant in medical school. I did the night shift, & have a ton of stories, but you really don't want to hear them.
2) I met my husband in medical school - we were anatomy lab partners. Who knew that pulling all-nighters (uh, that's studying all night, lest you worry) with the smell of formaldehyde in the air could lead to love?
3) My brother and I were walking with my dad one day when I was about 9 or so, and an old man stopped to tell my dad what fine-looking boys he had there! My dad said thanks and we went on. I asked why he didn't correct the man, and he said, "Aw, Lynn, he was old. He can't see." I grew up thinking I looked like a boy.
4) I think that "funny" is more interesting than "beautiful" (see #3) so I'll always go for the laugh. My motto has been, "if you can't be sexy, make 'em laugh."
5) I love working with kids because they'll usually cut up with me, even if their parents won't.
6) I enjoy skiing even though I'm scared to death of getting hurt, so I'm very proud not to have fallen today. Three MCL knee sprains will do that to ya'.
7) I could spend all day reading people's blogs, but I don't have enough time, so I can only list a few of my favorites:
1) My friend from Pensacola started blogging and that inspired me. Yourteethstink.com is now defunct because she's so busy, but you should just start from the beginning because it's so funny - this selection is one of my favorites!
2) Two On Two Off is awesomeness from Alaska, and Dawn even poses in her new creations in the snow.
3) Living Stones is by a high school friend of mine who's a teacher with 5 children. When I feel overwhelmed I check out her blog to remind myself what being busy is really like!
4) Resolved to Worship is also amazing - I think she has 7 children and is a professional photographer. You just need to scroll through the pictures - stunning!
5) I love Katie's blog, but I guess that's illegal giving her an award she gave me - sorry!
That's it, off to go tubing with the boys!
Thank you, thank you. You like me, you really like me! (tongue planted firmly in cheek)
That was almost the title of this post! Can't remember if it was Audrey Hepburn, Betty Davis, or who.
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