I was not as productive. I tried out the Iconic Pattern Sammy Cami, but I don't have awesome matching fold-over elastic like Sheila did, because I was working with a green bamboo knit I bought at All About Sewing 4 years ago. The FOE I bought is black and white because I wanted to experiment with it before committing to a certain color, and then I couldn't find my black or white knit - argh.
Oh well, the instructions tell you to use the fabric itself to make the bindings, so the front and back neck bindings look fine, but then I hit the arms and straps. It says the straps are 10 5/8", so that's what I cut....of course they meant that PLUS whatever you need for the armhole bindings - DOH! That ended up being 19 5/8", so I cut that, serged one edge, and sewed the other side to the armholes as directed.
Well OF COURSE I twisted the strap in between the front and back - totally saw that coming. What I didn't see coming was that I can't finish the strap - huh? If I fold it over like the instructions say, it'll look weird at the neck, and of course the strap itself is unfinished. I went over the instructions twice and can't figure it out, so I'll have to research the website or PR.
So much for a quick sewing project, which would've been my first one in months! At least I did get some work pants hemmed up, so I'm not quite suicidal over this.
Back to knitting! Did somebody say Japanese shrug?
Sorry that you had an issue with the cami. I knew I wouldn't succeed making my own binding and had to use fold over elastic. I purchased my FOE from sew sassy on 5/8" and 1".
To determine strap length, I measured the straps on an existing cami rather than the pattern instructions. For your straps try this tutorial.
Thank you, Sheila! I'm bad at bindings - should've waited till I found my black knit. Thanks for the tutorials - you rock!!!
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