But I refuse to rely on them the entire time, only for threading the needle. If I keep them on longer than that, I feel cross-eyed for the next 10 minutes. Plus, my optometrist said your eyes are like muscles: if you don't make them work a little bit, they'll get weaker. This is when I was begging him for stronger contacts because I couldn't see, but what do I know?! (Disclaimer: this is my "funny concentrating" face, which Lucas said was "awkward," and he asked me to smile nicely for the picture, but when have I ever been about smiling nicely?)
And I forgot to mention that I just finished the first bag of Alabama Chanin beads - 2,040 beads to be exact - thank ya very much!
Hang in there! You are almost done! I also have "progressive" lenses and keep a pair of reading glasses on the side too!
Too funny!!! I have lots of trouble threading my needle with that heavy thread, too. What needle did you end up using? (I just wear one contact and do the mono-vision thing) That dress is going to be absolutely beautiful. We need to plan a road trip to Alabama Chanin to show it off.
I guess Ineed to buy some of my own too....
I don't even know what it is - it was the smallest one in a multi-pack. Didn't even check to see if there's another one...
And we absolutely MUST do a road trip. I'm hoping she'll feature me on her blog....
Oh my, this will not do! You will begin you beading session with a headache. I cannot work without my Carson hands free magnifier. I wear it around my neck when I bead. I feel 80 years old when I do, but it is heaven sent. I love that I can cut the thread on an angle and get it through the eye with ease. I use it for stitching without bead work too.
I found mine at Tuesday Morning, but you can get it on amazon.
(Got a 1st response from A.C. my love affair with the company may be ending... Waiting on follow-up.)
Ooh, I'll check TM for one - that wouldnt make me feel cross-eyed - thanks for the tip! I'm eager to hear what they said....
Oh my goodness, that is a lot of beads. I can't work without readers if I am wearing contacts. My bifocal contacts seemed like I could not see as well at a distance so I just wear regular distance contact. You might try some readers with a low magnification.
I'm not alone - yay! I may end up with readers AND a magnifier around my neck. Now, baby, I'm COLD, and I don't know what TIME it is. (Eddie Murphy, circa ~1984, anyone?)
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