Meanwhile, Dean and I forced Lucas, uh, I mean joined Lucas for a 5K that same day, and he dropped his time from the previous 58 minutes to a very respectable 37 minutes - woohoo! Now we couldn't convince him to join us for O'Daly's Green Dress Run downtown, so we went by ourselves. They take the Green Dress part very seriously, and if you look just to the right of center, you'll see a lady wearing a green tutu...who has also pained her entire body green, down to her eyelids. Now that's commitment....or needs commitment - ha!
Here's the starting line - note all manner of wigs and a man in a dress way behind me.
And these young ladies were running in dresses, but they walked through their beer breaks. Yes, people were running with drinks in hand. Dean saw a group running with Fireball shots...which was probably necessary to stay hydrated, as there was not a single water station until you crossed the finish line!
Okay, now next weekend is the Azalea Trail Run 10K, and I will attempt to do this while on call, so we'll let you know how that goes. Now to segue to something my sister told me about - Birchbox. For $10 a month, you get 5 samples of beauty products in a beautiful box worthy or re-gifting.
Ooh, this month I got 6 things! They were dry shampoo, regular shampoo, conditioner, 2 eyeshadows, facial cleanser, and a facial mask. Last month I got samples of lotion, foaming face wash, lipstick, hair serum, and something else I forgot. Love this little club, and it makes for great travel-size toiletries. Thanks, Sister!
Another thing I discovered is that there's a lady in Publix who cooks a new dinner every week, and you can taste it, then buy all the ingredients right there next to her booth, and get a free recipe card - who knew?! So I made a delicious cranberry-walnut salad with lemon vinaigrette dressing....
and pork tenderloin with dill yogurt sauce - shoot, I forgot to get a shot of that, it made it look a lot yummier.
So what have you been doing lately? Cooking anything new? Exercising? And yes, I wrote this post instead of going running like I should have...dangit! .